The Anime Limited Podcast

All The Anime Podcast #49 - Season 3, Ep 7 - 8th June 2018



[Recorded 8th June 2018] It's a skeleton crew in the All The Anime office this week and Jeremy, Lauren and Andy hold down the fort to bring you lots of details on upcoming releases (that somehow may include conversation comparing characters in Love Live!! to Transformers), English cast clips of Rokka premiering ahead of our release and even the metal band Epica releasing a covers EP of Attack on Titan songs! But perhaps the main talking points this week are surrounding E3; the annual event where the shape of video games for the next year and beyond are formed. All three discuss what in particular they're looking forward; from Kingdom Hearts 3 (and the agonising and insanely long wait for its release), new IP that will be revealed (assuming they hasn't all already been) and even a prediction for what one of the team would like to see announced! A fun show as usual! All going well we'll have another episode for you next week, but there is a chance that may get put off until the week after. But either way we'