The Anime Limited Podcast

Anime Limited Podcast #42 - Season 2 Ep 20 - 24th Dec. 2017



[RECORDED ON 14TH DECEMBER 2017] It's been a while since our last podcast, but to wrap-up the year just before Christmas we are delighted to bring you a festive edition of the All The Anime Podcast that in-turn is acting our official Season 2 finale episode and our Christmas Special episode! Join Jeremy, Kat, (Regenerated) Andrew, Lauren and (the old-timer) Andy for a fun 55 minutes of discussion on totally not related to anime topics, and also completely related to anime topics. On this episode you can expect discussion on how a Bounty chocolate bar legitimately injured Andrew, which then leads into discussion on what is the most premium chocolate in a box of Celebrations. Then, as has become tradition on the Christmas special, there is some form of pub quiz! However this time we throw you a curve ball as Andy brings you the ultimate quiz on Aqua vs. Aquors (which is also pronounced Aqua). Andy has the names of 10 songs and the team simply need to say if it's a song by Aqua (the 90's pop group) or idol gr