Home Care Marketing Show With Valerie V

Home Care Marketing with SEO: The Road Travelled and the Path Ahead



Are you prepared to unmask the secrets of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? We, Lisa and I, will be your guides in this intriguing dialogue that unravels the mysteries of the SEO world. We hit the ground running by addressing SEO's rules of the road, then shift gears to some illuminating SEO case studies. These real-world examples emphasize the significance of a physical presence in the field of sales and marketing.Navigating the path of SEO can be a time-consuming endeavor. An enlightening discussion based on a year-long journey of two of our clients, based in Virginia and Philadelphia, sheds light on the importance of patience and avoiding underhanded tactics that may lead to penalties from Google. Then, strap in for a lively discourse with Courtney, who shares her triumphs. Hear from Lisa as she enlightens us about her created resources for field marketing. We can't emphasize enough the power of dedicated client imagery and face-to-face marketing interactions.As we leave this year behind and welc