Nourishing The Mother

NTM 439: Parenting neurodivergence: Don’t forget that *you* matter too



Parenting neurodivergent children is a constant process of acknowledging ourselves and learning to see ourselves within a culture that fusses solely on that child. We can find ourselves cycling in grief, despair, despondency and complete exhaustion, so this podcast is more a conversation highlighting that your struggle is real AND you need supporting too.In this episode we discuss:The collective undervaluing of care workThe patriarchal motherhood construct that you should meet your child and have a never-ending wellspring of capacityInternalising the idea that you’re supposed to show up regardless of the cost to your own wellbeingFeeling undermined, judged, minimised and isolated as a motherThe unseen and invisible work of how parenting neurodivergent children can impact your careerMoving beyond ‘I’ve just got to parent better’Services that cancel out the experience of the mother and the coupleFeeling like you don’t get to be who you are because of the huge needs of your childFearing the railroading of your d