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Interview With The Goat Farm - Goat Milk Soaps



The Goat Farm is a small family owned business that does a fabulous job marketing their products. I first met them on the alternative social media network, Gab. They have a fabulous group and are quite active on the social platform. Here is some the text from the interview: This is Lisa from Inspire to Thrive. In today's podcast, I have a guest for everyone. I chose The Goat Farm. I love their products and I love the way they've been doing their marketing and social media. I first met them over on the Alternative Gab network and they have joined X (Twitter) recently. So I wanted to welcome Heather and she has her two children with her. Hi, Heather. Hi. And I'll have my two kids introduce themselves too. I'm Madison and I'm Hunter. Hi, Madison and hi, Hunter. I have a dog named Hunter. That's so funny, I heard you. Yep. I have noticed that on on X. Yeah. 1s And, yeah, my husband, he's out working the farm right now, so he's out and about. Oh, great. So, yeah, I see you