Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

How to be a client centred coach & Q&A No.125



Let days for tickets to the conference this week > 20% off last few remaining tickets. Email us for discount code. Questions; Time; 3:15 I'm really trying to be a client-centred coach and ask as many (admittedly leading) questions as possible to help guide clients to solving their own problems. Even though I feel like this is the best way to coach people, sometimes it feels like I'm not really helping people solve their problems in that moment For example, I had a call with a client this week who struggles mentally to find the energy to get out of bed. We went in on her values as well as the barriers and challenges she's facing I asked loads of questions to try and understand her better, but after the call I felt like I hadn't really helped her all the much, because we didn't really come up with anything actionable to try and change those habits Any thoughts? Time; 7:24 What's a quality present in PTs you work with that you see is lacking in the rest of the industry? Time;