Holmes Movies

The Movies And Me - Episode 1 - Callum Burn



Welcome to the first episode of The Movies And Me, a new podcast project of ours where each episode we sit down and talk with a filmmaker or someone who works in the film industry about their newest and latest film project or just a big cinephile in general who just lives for movies. We also ask about and discuss their four favourite films that have inspired them to go out and have a career in film or just at the very least inspire them. On this first episode, Anders and Adam Holmes sit down with a bonafide and talented filmmaker Callum Burn, Anders's old Met Film School friend, and talk about his new feature film Battle Over Britain. A low budget Second World War film about a group of exhausted Spitfire pilots fighting to the last man/pilot during the Battle Of Britain. A film that Anders worked on last year as a sound recordist and boom operator.Since finishing film school ten years ago, Callum and his father Andrew Burn have started their own independent production company Tin Hat Productions and already h