Simple Pin Podcast: Simple Ways To Boost Your Business Using Pinterest

358 Creating Awesome Video Content on Pinterest



By now I’m sure you’re convinced that video is an integral part of your marketing, whether you like being in front of the camera or not. When it comes to video and Pinterest it’s felt like we could move it to the backburner, but that’s not the case anymore. It’s time to embrace video for Pinterest and get creative with how you’re recording. Here are some tips to take into 2024. Don’t forget to hit subscribe in your podcast players to make sure you’re not missing an episode of the Simple Pin Podcast. We have two exclusive offers we’re releasing for our email subscribers on Black Friday Cyber Monday. Scroll below in your podcast app and sign up now at—-------See full show notes for all episodes at Simple Pin Media.Get more Pinterest Marketing Tips at delivered every Wednesday.Where to find more Pinterest Marketing Tips:InstagramPinterestYouTubeLearn more about the Pinterest account audit →