Simple Pin Podcast: Simple Ways To Boost Your Business Using Pinterest

Why a Content Calendar is Key for Pinterest marketing



Creating content is a constant motion of coming up with ideas, testing ideas, and creating more of what worked and ignoring the rest. It’s important that you come up with a system so you don’t burn yourself out. Let me share a little bit with you about our content creation system and how that fuels our growth. Intro - Call to Action: Don’t forget to hit subscribe in your podcast players to make sure you’re not missing an episode of the Simple Pin Podcast. I have something I’m so excited to tell you about – the release of our 2024 Pinterest planner! It’s been a flagship product of ours since 2016 and we’ve iterated on it every single year. This may be our best year yet. We took all the suggestions we got from last year and added in a calendar feature, more places to write, and a way for you to get ideas and write down your plans for Pinterest marketing in 2024. Here’s the best part – you can choose from a digital option that you print off yourself OR you can choose a printed option and have it shipped straight