Bela Lugosi's Shed

Episode 47 - A Woman's Right To Chews



Well unless you picked 'Worldwide Plague' in the 'How We're All Going To Die' sweepstake you're probably not feeling too happy at the moment, so here's something to take your mind off things on this bleak Monday morning. This episode we're going all culinary, albeit for Long Pig, as we review, compare and contrast two films featuring women who eat human flesh, in very different ways.    And in an unusual bit of planning our Easily Available Horror is also one featuring cannibals, so nobody can accuse us of not doing the homework. And this episode can also be used as a useful reference for when we run out of food and turn on each other.   Easily Available Horror: Somos Lo Que Hay (trans: We Are What We Are) (2010) from Amazon.