

Today’s show is about navigating long-haul COVID symptoms and life as a private practitioner. I wanted to have a non-academic conversation about this intriguing topic from a real-life perspective. Join us to learn more!Our Featured GuestRobert Cox, MA, LPC, NCCRobert Cox is a private practitioner in Kentucky. He contracted COVID back in December. After a few weeks, he noticed that his symptoms improved a little but then continued. You’ll hear Robert’s story of his long-haul COVID symptoms and navigating through it as a private practitioner, especially regarding what to disclose to clients.Tristn Jevon Center for RecoveryYou’ll learn:What it means to have “long-haul COVID”How long-haul COVID symptoms can vary with dementia-like brain fog, heart problems, physical exhaustion, night sweats, etc.Robert’s story of contracting COVID last December from his daughter and facing moments of panic because of his asthmaHow Robert’s symptoms were complicated by the death of his son in February 2021How Robert learned to dea