Rocky Mountain Christian Church

Do You See What I See: Peace | December 10, 2023 - Shan Moyers



Dive into the dynamics of good news and bad news, exploring how we instinctively lean in when we hear both. With Christmas just 15 days away, we reflect on the shepherds' experience of the angel's announcement of Jesus' birth as "Good News." In a world filled with bad news, the Christmas story stands out as a message of hope and peace. Breaking down the Hebrew concept of peace, Shalom, we understand that it's not just the absence of conflict but the presence of wholeness in the midst of it. The good news is that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, came to bring Shalom to our lives, addressing the cracks and brokenness we experience. The bad news is that we can't fix these on our own. The Christmas story reminds us that the Good News is not only true but profoundly good – offering salvation from the eternal consequences of sin and providing a pathway to experience Shalom in every area of our lives. As we draw near to the Prince of Peace, we find peace not in the absence of problems but in