Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP434 Why Hunters Must Protect Gun Rights with Gabriella Hoffman



Our guest today is Gabriella Hoffman. Gabby is the director of the Center for Energy and Conservation at Independent Women’s Forum. She is a freelance media strategist, award-winning writer, and political columnist. She hosts the District of Conservation podcast and CFACT original video series “Conservation Nation” and serves on the Professional Outdoor Media Association’s Board of Directors. Gabriella credits her Lithuanian parents, who are Soviet Union escapees, for instilling a love of freedom, liberty, and limited government in her. 1) Congratulations on your newest position with Independent Women’s Forum (IWF)! Tell us about IWF and the work you do there. 2) Often Hunters and Conservationists try to stay out of conversations about 2A Advocacy, why do you think that is? 3) A recent article in The Hill suggests that “States should ban corporations from selling guns”. Talk to us about the various ways this would harm states from the standpoints of safety, rights, financial & conservation. (h