Brierly Hill 90210

Brierly Hill 90210 presents... 2023



While 2023 starts with a continuing war in Ukraine and there are horrific events in the Middle East on the horizon, I'm struck by what a relatively uneventful year it has been. While I clearly don't want you to switch off, and there is some great music and significant moments to enjoy in this episode, I do find myself asking, is this the most uninteresting year ever? But, having said that, there were personal events that will forever shape my memories of 2023. My father passed away in September, just shy of his 84th birthday. While I was pleased I got over to the UK in 2022 to see him, I will always regret not going back again since then while he was ill. I did rush over to help out with funeral arrangements and such, and ended up staying for a month. Even though it was for a very sad reason, I did enjoy that time spent mostly with family and there is a large chunk of this episode heavily influenced by that time spent in the UK.