

What would it be like to own and run your own group therapy practice--including the building? And to complicate matters, what if the whole endeavor is getting off the ground during a global pandemic? It might sound crazy, but you’ll hear the details from today’s guest who is making it all happen after facing down all the obstacles. Join us!Our Featured GuestKaren Grayson, PhD, LPCDr. Karen Grayson had a vision a few years ago of owning a therapy practice building, so she followed through with the big purchase in 2018. She’s here to help us navigate through the challenges of owning a therapy practice building during a pandemic. The Center for Inner Transformation, in St. Louis, is a place where Karen combines philosophy, therapy, and spirituality on an integrated pathway to her clients’ personal and collective development, and it’s also home for the practices of three other clinicians. She shares where the idea of buying a building came from, how she went into the process, along with practical steps that she t