Grace Church

It Looks Like Family, But We’re Fractured | Christmas Behind the Curtain | Week 3



Big Idea: Invite the light of Christ into your family this Christmas.   The perfect outfit for a peaceful family Christmas. PUT ON:   Compassion: a deep sensitivity to the needs and sorrows of others.   Kindness: the action that arises out of empathy.   Humility: the noble choice to use your status and influence for the good of others.  Meekness: all your emotional faculties under control. Patience: restraining yourself in the presence of the exasperating conduct of others    A quick survival guide for the dysfunctional family at the holidays.    Keep it simple and use nostalgia as a connecting point.   Manage your expectations.    Consider your boundaries ahead of time and be ready to enforce them.   Don’t try to control everything, be flexible.   Debrief with a trusted friend, or counselor.   Be the change you want to see in your family with no expectations that they’ll come along.     “Here’s My Chance!”   Practicing Solitude  Get still. As distraction-free as possible – put everything away including your