Whitcomb Ministries

Christmas from a Shepherd's Perspective



On this Christmas weekend, we listen together as noted author and Bible teacher Dr. John Whitcomb takes a look back at the well-known Christmas shepherds in Luke 2 and their historical predecessor, the young shepherd boy David, to see what they can teach us about the real message of Christmas.--I want to be humble before You,- Dr. Whitcomb states. -I want to be like a shepherd. Humble me before You, Lord.--Dr. Whitcomb also turned to the famous passage in Philippians 2 to teach us how Christ, our Good Shepherd, humbled Himself so greatly on our behalf in becoming our Savior.-Join host Wayne Shepherd for this special celebration of Christmas.-All of us at Whitcomb Ministries thank you for listening to -Encounter God's Truth- this week and wish you a blessed Christmas grounded in God's Word, which is true from the beginning to the end-