Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Self-Investment and Leadership with Erin Aquin & Steve Haase, Part 2



Welcome back for Part 2 of our conversation with Erin Aquin and Steve Haase. In this episode, we’re talking about leadership. No one ever really teaches you how to be a good leader, you’re just expected to know how to do it like it’s a skill you’re born with. If you’ve ever found yourself in a leadership role, you know that’s not true. Sure, anyone can be a leader, but that doesn’t mean they’re a good one. That leads us to the question, what does make a good leader? Erin and Steve have answers for you. They’re bringing their experience to the table to walk you through some of the most important leadership skills and how to learn them.Erin Aquin and Steve Haase are the co-founders of Superabound, a coaching company that helps business owners and leaders create a life and business that aligns with their unique vision. They are both Master Certified Life Coaches and co-authors of the upcoming book, tentatively titled Superabound: How to Live the Life the Universe is Dreaming for You. Topics covered in this episo