Hong Kong Confidential

S1E143: 143| Female Entrepreneurship



Emma Pike, the Director of the 'Farmers Market HK talks about entrepreneurship, leadership, positivity and mentoring others. Emma is a brilliant role model for other leaders and this is an insightful interview about taking risks, starting a business and leading from the front! Emma discusses her childhood and how she started her own business at the age of nine. She explains some of the skills and talents that make a good entrepreneur and leader. Emma gives us some insight into the stumbling blocks that she has faced working in a male dominated industry and also some of the highlights of owning her own business. Emma mentors women in business and gives us an example of someone that she has guided and who has made great strides as a business owner. This is an inspirational interview for anyone who is thinking about starting their own business. Farmers Market: https://www.farmersmarket.com.hk/ Hong Kong Confidential Details Email: juleshannaford1@gmail.com Network: https://www.auscastnetwork.com/home/hong-kong-c