Hong Kong Confidential

S1E21: 21| Wake Up and Roar



Jules talks to Dr Anastasia Belkova about the amazing projects that she has been running in Hong Kong. She discusses Goodin.HK and how she helps people find what they need to be happy. Wake Up and Roar, where she creates workshops and events to help people find their inner happiness and peace. She explores issues such as heartbreak, meditation, yoga, tantra, innocent addictions, dealing with a crisis and sexual shame. Anastasia chats to us about spiritual shopping and how we can bypass the practices that will really work for us and the way that our constant need for productivity can affect our wellbeing. We explore how childhood behaviours can reinforce who we are today, and she asks the question “what part of ourselves are we denying” by continuing these behaviours into adulthood? Anastasia explains how the things that trigger us are actually a reflection of ourselves and she then goes on to discuss her PHD in Narcissism and the characteristics of a Narcissist. We learn some practical tools to de