Savage Nation With Michael Savage

WILL NEWSOM REPLACE BIDEN? IS THIS THE DEEP DEM PLAN? Stephen Gardener interviews Michael Savage- #651



Check Out Stephen Gardner on YouTube: In this engaging and wide-ranging interview, Savage discusses pressing issues with Stephen Gardner. The conversation touches on the current state of America, highlighting Savage's observations of people feeling agitated and experiencing mild depression, attributing it to the overwhelming opposition dominating media, universities, and corporate boards. Savage emphasizes the importance of non-violent resistance through dialogue and communication. The discussion then shifts to global issues, particularly the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Savage criticizes President Biden's handling of the situation, suggesting that if former President Trump were in power, the conflict might have been prevented. The conversation delves into the complexities of international relations, with Savage expressing concern about the corruption and lack of care for the nation within the current administration. Savage shares a personal story of his encounter with