Take Out With Ashley And Robyn

Episode 110 with Guest Nicolette Hahn Niman



Nicolette Hahn Niman is an environmental advocate and cattle rancher. A former attorney, she is married to the founder of the famed Niman Ranch, a collective of traditional farms. She lives in northern California. She believes that few issues are more important than what and how we eat. Food sustains us and provides some of life's greatest pleasures. It affects our daily moods and energy levels while having an incalculable impact on our longterm health. Broad access to healthy, nutritious food is essential to a well-functioning society.  Food production is extremely important, too. When food is created in harmony with nature's seasons and resources, the environment is preserved and regenerated. But when food production results from methods that go against the seasons and the basic needs of people, animals, plants, and the soil, the results are disastrous.  Her work is to spread awareness about problems inherent in industrial food production and to move agriculture toward more ecological farming. D