The Disciplined Investor

TDI Podcast: Skate To The Puck (#850)



Conflicting Data – but absolute certainty. What was in is out – a rotation at the start of the year. The 10-year Treasury tops 4% - for a moment – looking like a key resistance point. And our guest…Sam Burns of Mill Street Research. Sam Burns, CFA is the chief strategist at Mill Street Research – an independent research company specializing in proprietary institutional research tools for asset allocation, stock selection, and macro-economic indicators.  Burns has more than 20 years of experience as a market strategist providing US and global investment insights at Wall Street firms including Oppenheimer & Co., Brown Brothers Harriman, State Street Global Markets, and Ned Davis Research. Mill Street Research: Mill Street Research provides a suite of consistently updated research reports and data for institutional investors covering asset allocation, country allocation, sector, and industry selection, equity factor analysis, and a robust quantitative stock selection process. The firm publishes more t