Drew And Mike Podcast

Drew And Mike – February 28, 2023



Why teens won't drive, DTE's PR push, Jerry Jones paternity problem, morning radio host missing, Michael Jackson & Macaulay Culkin memories, Fox v. Dominion, The NFL Sodfather fights back, Bill Clinton in Sling Blade, and we dig into Trudi's employment in Sacramento. Joe Biden Gaffes: Even though he's white, Joe Biden is not stupid. Who's Zooming Who, Joe? Trudi "Jacinas in" and blames traffic. Trudi Daniels defeated Mark Farner in the most-viewed episode of Radio Dayz. Trudi tries to explain her time "working" in the Sacramento market. FEMA is trying to save AM radio. Soon it will reign supreme once more! Tom Mazawey skipped December and decided to give away the January Legacy winner in a really long video. Congrats to ___________! Some Michigan communities are getting some good $$$ for all that marijuana being sold. Correction from yesterday: DTE is handing out $35, not a measly $25 like we originally thought. DTE: Deal with it. Radio host Jeffrey Vandergrift is missing in California and it doesn