Behind The Shield

Paige Figi - Epiode 765



Paige Figi's daughter Charlotte was only 3 months old when she started having regular seizures, ultimately being diagnosed with Dravet's Syndrome. By the time she was four, after a gamet of pharmceuticals have proven ineffective, Charlotte was on life support with only days to live. Desperate, Paige had begun researching plant medicine and found a high concentration Cannabanoid (CBD) from the hemp plant. She watched in disbelief as Charlotte began improving and the near constant seizures became infrequent. In this powerful conversation, we discuss Paige's early life as a rescue diver, her role as a military spouse, Charlotte's heartbreaking health struggles, how Paige began helping other families, the Coaltition for Access, the Major League Baseball team who is standing behind CBD and so much more.