Dr. Drew After Dark

Is It Bad? w/ Big Jay Oakerson | Dr. Drew After Dark Ep. 203



Leave a voicemail for Dr. Drew to answer on the show at (818) 253-1693 or email your question to DrDrewAfterDark@gmail.com. Big Jay Oakerson is a comedian and podcaster. He joins Dr. Drew to discuss the start of his podcast "Legion of Skanks," starting stand-up, fan tattoos, hair transplants, cancel culture, the Gathering of the Juggalos, and more! They answer listener questions about white in brown, girlfriend farts, piercing holes, and ejaculation pain. They watch a video of hosts of a movie podcast butchering Bert Kreischer's name, an update from Robert Paul Champagne, and some of Christina P's TikTok curations. https://drdrew.com/ https://store.ymhstudios.com/