Albuquerque Business Podcast

This One TOXIC Trait Could Destroy Your Leadership (And You Don't Even Know It!)



Understanding Self-Sabotage in Leadership In the realm of leadership, the concept of self-sabotage often emerges as a baffling obstacle. Why do leaders, even with clear goals and strong convictions, sometimes act in ways that undermine their success? This phenomenon is not just a matter of professional development but also a deep dive into self-awareness. The Role of Misperceptions and Fears At the core, self-sabotage in leadership is frequently a result of misperceptions and fears. Leaders might hold onto limiting beliefs about their capabilities or worthiness, leading them to act in ways that are not aligned with their true potential or objectives. Misalignment with Higher Purpose Leadership involves more than just managing tasks or people; it's about aligning with a higher purpose and leading with vision. Self-sabotage is often a sign that a leader is out of sync with this higher calling, swayed by short-term pressures or personal insecurities. Recognizing Self-Sabotage in Leadership The key to addressing