Bulletproof Radio

Biohack Like a Woman – Aggie Lal : 1126



Today, we're learning how to Biohack like a Woman. And trust me, it's not about counting calories or giving up your favorite foods; it's a whole new paradigm. I'm thrilled to introduce you to our incredible guest today, someone I've had the privilege of working with for several years—Aggie Lal aka Biohacking Bestie. Aggie is not your average biohacker; she's a public figure, bestselling author, health coach and a TEDx Speaker. She's been featured on TV and started the renowned Travel her Shoes blog over a decade ago, eventually leading her down the path of biohacking after realizing the toll constant travel can take on your health.Aggie's journey has led her to establish the Higher Self Academy, where she offers courses to help individuals, especially women, personalize their biohacking journeys. She's also the host of the Biohacking Bestie podcast—make sure to check out our recent conversation on her show. I love the work Aggie’s doing so much, that I even wrote the foreword for her groundbreaking