Fallon Taylor

Stop Arguing for Your Limitations!



On today's podcast, I am going to do a little story time about my rodeo career, my life changing injury, and how it relates to a book I read recently. If you aren't in the rodeo world, or if you are, it can be a bit surprising to hear what it takes to make it to the National Finals Rodeo, which is essentially rodeo's version of the super bowl. I learned a lot from my journey of turning into a professional barrel racer at 7 and competing at the National Finals Rodeo, and then later taking a break from rodeo to model in New York. I know you are wondering, how does this story relate to "Arguing For Our Limitations?" Well, in the 15 years between my NFR qualifications, I argued for every limitation I had. I started training horses for clients, and kept arguing for every one of my limitations. In 2009, everything changed when I had a tragic accident, and broke my neck while training a horse. There is a lot more to the story that I will share with you, but I was in a halo, learned to walk again, and learned how to