Rocky Mountain Christian Church

Who Is Jesus: Nicodemus And The New Birth | January 28, 2024 - Shan Moyers



we dive into the profound analogy of learning to drive and how it correlates with the spiritual journey. Drawing from personal experiences, the speaker recounts the challenges of staying focused and looking ahead while driving, likening it to the pivotal story of Nicodemus meeting Jesus at night. The narrative unfolds, exploring the various stereotypes associated with being "born again" and dispelling them with the account of Nicodemus, a high-status, intellectual figure. The emphasis is on the essential nature of spiritual rebirth and its supernatural occurrence, beautifully illustrated through personal anecdotes and biblical verses. The concept of "PALIGGENESIA," or being born from above, is unravelled, highlighting the transformative work of the Holy Spirit. The message concludes with a powerful reminder that it matters where we look—encouraging viewers to fix their eyes on Jesus for rebirth, regeneration, and continual transformation in every aspect of life. Whether you're explorin