Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

The one thing you guys have learnt, that you wish you knew earlier? & Q&A No.133



Time; 2:44 What is one thing you guys have learnt, that you wish you knew earlier? Time; 13:37 Client want to go down a package. my prices have changed since she signed up so she was questioning the new price she was on (she had the old prices written down). How can i address this with her? Time; 15:26 A while back there was an email about being a PT back in the year 2000? Back then there weren't any social media like today but, PT's still ran their businesses. The early noughties looked like a wicked time to be alive (I was only 3 years old so I wouldn't know haha) What was it like being a PT, especially on a cruise ship back in the day? I found this very inspiring! Time; 22:39 I offer a small group coaching not just training service, that is as much if not more focused on what happens outside the gym. Other SGPT in the area is just training focused - this makes me appear pricey in comparison. I'm tempted to call this out, not calling out other specific businesses, but how