New Focus On Wealth With Chad Burton

Retirement Readiness & Healthcare Costs



In this episode of New Focus on Wealth, certified financial planner Chad Burton dives into the important topics of retirement readiness and healthcare costs. Chad starts by discussing the seven steps to retirement readiness, which include assessing your financial situation, determining your asset allocation, and creating a withdrawal strategy. He emphasizes the importance of having enough safe money to cover expenses and the need for a proper tax plan to minimize taxes in retirement. The episode also delves into the rising healthcare costs in retirement. Chad highlights a study that reveals a typical US couple may need up to $413,000 to cover healthcare expenses in retirement, especially if they have high prescription drug needs. He explains the complexities of Medicare, supplemental plans, and the impact of income on healthcare costs. Throughout the episode, Chad emphasizes the need for individuals to prioritize their health and well-being in retirement. He encourages listeners to focus on maintaining a heal