Rocky Mountain Christian Church

Who Is Jesus: Living Water and True Worship | February 4, 2024 - Shan Moyers



Embark on a thought-provoking exploration in this YouTube video as the speaker challenges our perceptions of Jesus' appearance and unveils a side of Him that goes beyond traditional portrayals. Drawing attention to iconic images of Jesus, the speaker invites viewers to question their preconceived notions and discover the humanity of Jesus through the lens of the Gospel writers. Focusing on a pivotal moment in John 4, where Jesus engages with a Samaritan woman, the video delves into the compassionate nature of Jesus as he navigates through societal boundaries and addresses the woman's deep wounds. Revealing Jesus as the one who seeks to heal and offer grace instead of shame, the video encourages viewers to identify, confess, and give themselves grace for their own wounds, ultimately leading to a transformative encounter with the living water that Jesus provides. Join us in this enlightening series on the Book of John titled "Jesus, Who Is He?" to gain a fresh perspective on a relatable and co