Father And Joe

Father and Joe E351: Exploring the Untold Chaos of Holy Thursday



Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Father and Joe! In this installment, Joe Rocky and Father Boniface Hicks dive deep into the chaos of Holy Thursday, exploring the untold details often overlooked. From the unexpected reactions of the apostles to the perplexing account of a young man in the garden, this episode unveils the raw, messy reality of the events leading to the crucifixion.As Joe reflects on the disciples' varied responses—Peter's initial fight and subsequent retreat, John's temporary departure, and the scattering of the others—we're invited to ponder our own reactions in challenging moments. The chaos and disorder reveal the human side of these historical events, challenging conventional portrayals often found in media.Father Boniface sheds light on the intentional use of words in the Gospel, emphasizing the significance of the young man in the garden and his later appearance at the resurrection. The parallels drawn to Adam and Eve's nakedness in the garden add