Dr. Laura Weekly Podcast

The Book I Never Wrote



Whenever I've discussed my bestselling book, “The Proper Care & Feeding of Husbands” on social media, there's inevitably a chorus of women who comment with, “I'll read this book when you write one about how husbands should treat their wives!” Take a deep dive with me today into the topic of what women need from their men... Email questions or comments: drlaura@drlaura.comParticipate on the radio program: call 1-800-Dr-Laura / 1-800-375-2872 or make an appointment https://www.drlaura.com/make-an-appointment. Follow on social media:Facebook.com/DrLauraInstagram.com/DrLauraProgramTwitter.com/DrLauraProgramPinterest.com/DrLauraYouTube.com/DrLauraBecome a Dr. Laura Family Member: https://www.drlaura.com/ See https://www.drlaura.com/privacy-policy for privacy information.