Hashtag Authentic - For Small Businesses, Bloggers And Online Creatives

Being afraid of NOT doing it, with Lisa Francesca Nand



Things we talked about:The way multi-faceted careers can feel piecemeal (especially if parenting is added into the mix), or “like I’m doing five different jobs at once”Factoring in time to play as well as workExploring your home town like a holiday destinationTaking things home from real holidays that you might not expect (like appreciating the simple things, family meals, all your possessions in one suitcase)Avoiding habits of consuming everything and creating nothingMaking connections on Twitter (Lisa says, “I engage with people because I love it”)Pondering the idea that the Internet means we don’t get bored any more, and what that meansOn making things happen (Lisa was waiting for a radio job offer but it didn’t come, so she started a podcast)“People say you’re brave putting yourself out there, but I’m more afraid of not doing it”The importance of perseverance, and regularly doing the thing you fear (until you don’t fear it any more)We had a frank conversation about money. Despite living an outwardly glamo