Hashtag Authentic - For Small Businesses, Bloggers And Online Creatives

The Power of Story in the Creative Process with Susan Mar



Things We Talk About In This Episode:Working with clients in the creative process and their reactions.How as humans we respond to visuals in a human way. Narratives that make it seem shallow to care about how things look. Like it’s superficial to care too much about the way you look and that this might mean you don’t have depth.Aesthetics are a luxury that comes after the essentials of survival and how you can still care about aesthetics, even if the first priority is survival.Creating worlds on Instagram for an escape, or for an imaginary world to exist in.Growing up in a third-world country and living without running water. Living and growing up in a country where safety isn’t guaranteed and that these things stay with you.That where we start is not always a reflection of where we’re going to end up.The importance of the client’s story, understanding and connecting with them.Taking lessons from pain. Looking for good and having empathy.Struggling with seeing our own magic and the stories we tell ourselves.B