Hashtag Authentic - For Small Businesses, Bloggers And Online Creatives

LIVE in Manchester, Sara Tasker and Laura Jane Williams in conversation



Things we talk about in this episode:Reading from Hashtag Authentic's introductionHow I started out on Instagram by seeking beauty in an uncompromising environmentMy previous job, working in speech therapy for the NHSWhy communication is central in everything I do Why I believe it's ok to create a 'highlight reel'Why visuals are the best communication toolMy chronic illness (dysautonomia), and how this impacts on my workWhat  my average day looks likeSpoon theoryMy initial vision in setting up my business, and my career pathThe need for a new wave of honest marketing and businessWhy I don't need a digital detoxHow to start out on Instagram from scratch (audience question)Why there will always be an Instagram community for you, no matter what your interest (audience question)My future dreams and ambitions (audience question)The importance of not being soley led by what your audience wantsWho inspires me (audience question)Why going "off piste" in search of inspiration brings the best resultsLinks men