Hashtag Authentic - For Small Businesses, Bloggers And Online Creatives

Instagram, Influencers and Algorithms, With Nik Speller



Nik and I met when we were both presenting on a panel in London a few months back, and I loved what he had to say.   So much of what Nik and I had to say dovetailed together perfectly,  and I immediately knew I needed to bag him for the podcast so you could all soak in some of his wisdom on all things internet, social media and influencer marketing too. In this episode we talk about how Instagram and social media have evolved, and the role influencer marketing has had to play in that. Nik shares some great insight from his experiences of working with brands and agencies, and a heap of key lessons for anyone trying to grow an audience or create content for sales online. Get full access to Entre Nous at meandorla.substack.com/subscribe