Where Did The Road Go?

11th Anniversary with Josh Cutchin and Tim Renner - Jan 27, 2024



For this very special 11th anniversary episode, Seriah is joined by Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner. They focus on answering questions submitted by patreons. Topics include early history of WDTRG, paranormal origin stories, Coast to Coast AM, Kenneth Ring, UFOs and NDEs, Charles Fort and the process of time, the underground music scene, progress in understanding of the phenomenon, the status of repeat experiencers, the cross-over between Bigfoot/UFO/poltergeist/etc. experiences, Paul Kimbal, high strangeness, dream logic, a bizarre “alien” encounter from Peru in the 1950’s, predictions for the future of Fortean research, “Where the Footprints End”, weird experiences surrounding Bigfoot sightings, Stan Gordon, Loren Coleman, Cryptomundo, wilderness poltergeist phenomenon, W.T. Watson, Gettysburg battlefield, places that seem to attract violence and tragedy, Devil’s Den, self-generation in paranormal phenomena, the Other’s resistance to rules and being pinned down, psycho-kinetic energy, Louis Proud, spontane