Canary Cry News Talk

The TRUTH About GOD’s ARMY | Col. Giammona and Troy Anderson | CCR 173



Whether you’ve served in the military, or worked in a high stakes corporate office, reports are important documents that help facilitate the logic behind the tasks and assignments to be carried out by the operatives. When it comes to spiritual warfare, the Word of God is a more-than-sufficient intelligence report to guide our actions and behaviors. Look no further than Ephesians 6 and the outline of the Full Armor of God as the prime example.    In 2024, contextualizing these evergreen Biblical truths in the ever-changing chaos we find ourselves in, with the re-spiritualization of society through the exponentially growing hyper-techno-modernity can become a challenging task. That’s why we are happy to have folks like our returning guests today, Col. David Giammona and Pulitzer Prize winning author Troy Anderson. They are back to discuss their latest book Mission in God’s Army: Discovering and COMPLETING your faith-filled assignment!   LINKS Battle Ready Ministries ( Revela