Latter Gay Stories

188: Chosen Path: A Memoir by D. Michael Quinn



Chosen Path, a memoir by D. Michael Quinn is a story of self-denial and inner struggle, while Michael strove to follow through on his personal commitments faithfully. The memoir, published by Signature Books is an intimate look into the life of one of Mormonism’s most prolific historians of church governance and LGBTQ intersections. Moshe Quinn, son of Michael Quinn and Barbara Jones Brown sit down to share a story of truth, struggle, excommunication, and honor. The book is available at your local bookstore, or available online through Signature Books and Amazon. Moshe is the youngest son of Mormon historian, D Michael Quinn. In some ways intersecting between them, Moshe has pursued the humanities and the arts through his life, with more emphasis than his father on the arts. He lives in the Bay Area where he teaches photography, digital art and filmmaking with high school students. Barbara Jones Brown is a historian and the director of Signature Books Publishing. She is excited that Signature has just pub