Die Berufsoptimierer - Dein Karrierepodcast Mit Bastian & Katja

Getting a job in germany - expert talk with Jessica Schüller (#304)



When you first begin thinking about looking for work in Germany, you may wonder how soon you should start applying for internships or jobs. For both, 3-6 months ahead of time is a general rule of thumb, assuming you have put in the time to do company and position research, develop a search strategy, and create application materials that have been reviewed by a professional. Jessica Schüller is an international career services consultant focused on Europe and Germany, and host of the Inside Deutschland: Your Guide to Careers in Germany podcast. Her global work and study experience spans 8 countries and several years in the areas of international career services, international program and project management, international student and scholar advising, and higher education research. She is the founder of Germany Career Coach, a career consulting agency that serves thousands of internationals every year at 40+ universities and educational organizations across the globe. Concurrently, she is pursuing her Ph.D. in