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Making Crohn's Disease Funny With Matt Nagin



We can hold two truths: Crohn’s disease is funny. It is also not funny. I speak with Matt Nagin, who has many talents, but we focus on his work as a comedian and actor living with Crohn’s disease. Our discussion focuses on how people need laughter and comedy in their lives. Yet, living with an illness like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), it can be challenging to find those comedic moments. Especially when most people don’t know what IBD is, and even among those who do, they kind of don’t want to hear about it sometimes. Get tips from Matt on how to form a sense of humor about illness, keep people from getting burned out on you, and think outside the box when it comes to symptoms.   Find Matt Nagin at: Web: mattnagin.com Facebook: @naginplease Twitter: @naginplease Instagram: @naginplease TikTok: @naginplease LinkedIn: Matt Nagin   Find Amber J Tresca at: AboutIBD.com: About IBD Verywell: Verywell Health Facebook: @aboutIBD Twitter: @aboutIBD Pinterest: @aboutibd Instagram: @about_I