Albuquerque Business Podcast

From the Sidelines to the Starting Lineup: Why It's Time to Play Your Own Game



Hey there, Self-Aware Leaders – get ready, because I'm coming at you with something serious today. We all need to hit pause on the spectator mentality we've fallen into and rediscover the thrill of being a player in our own lives. Let's talk about it.  How many nights do we spend glued to the TV, binge-watching Netflix or endlessly scrolling social media? It's entertainment, yeah, but while we're watching someone else's incredible journey, what's happening with our own story? Think about it – we idolize football players, making their victories our own. We feel deeply invested in characters in fictional dramas. We become virtual coaches from the comfort of our armchairs. But all the while, we're living vicariously through the highlights and triumphs of others. We become so good at watching the game that we forget the joy of playing the game. That's where things need to change. Each of us is here with a unique set of skills, talents, and passions. Imagine what we're missing out on when we don't give them a chan