Real Estate Uncensored - Real Estate Sales & Marketing Training Podcast

Revolutionize Your B2B Strategy: Unveiling The Secret For Tremendous Success w/ Jaci Russo



In the fast-paced world of real estate in 2024, B2B growth is the name of the game. However, amidst the hustle and bustle, many businesses find themselves stuck in a rut.   The B2B landscape often feels stale, lacking the excitement and innovation that drives success in other sectors. So how can we change this?   Can adopting a B2C mentality propel your B2B business to new heights of success? How does developing a well-thought-out strategy not only provide direction but also ensures consistency in our approach?   In this episode co-founder and CEO of brandRUSSO, brand strategist and public speaker Jaci Russo joins us to talk about B2B mastery for massive growth, why there is no consistency without strategy and she shares her top tools for marketing.    You’ll also learn; Why AI can’t replace human connection Strategy: how it can make or break success Curated content on a business level Leveraging tools to put out better content Serving people and showing up   Guest Bio Jaci Russo, P.C.M. is a Bran