Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

The changing shape of leadership power structures



Do you want more influence? What about more power? It doesn’t feel quite the same to pursue power does it? Power and power structures don’t have a great reputation, and history is littered with abuses of power, but what if we reframe our understanding of power and use it to make us better leaders? That’s interesting, that’s exciting! We can dismantle the ‘power pyramid’ and turn it into something much more organic and collaborative with humanity at its heart. This is something I’ll be exploring in depth this year, so let’s get started!  Shownotes See more at: http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-power-zoe-routh Key Moments  Planet Human: Zoë is just back from Japan, where they have just landed a spacecraft on the moon - which is exciting news! Another development is the ability to create virtual loved ones that we’ve lost - that’s happening over at Project December  Planet Zoë: After a blissful time skiing, Zoë is back writing, thinking and delivering. The  Leadership Conclave is fast approaching and O