Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

On Being Sensitive



Do you think you’re a sensitive person?We’re conditioned to think that it’s bad to be sensitive. If you’ve ever been told you’re being “too sensitive,” you’ll know what I mean, but is sensitivity really a bad trait to have? I don’t think so and I’m going to explain why. In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, we’re exploring how to know if you’re a sensitive person and what that means. I’m sharing a list of 21 signs that you’re a highly sensitive person, so if it’s something you’ve been wondering about, you can use this episode to find answers. We’re also talking about why there are so many sensitive people working in the medical field and how being a sensitive person can contribute to overeating. Topics covered in this episode include:Signs that you’re a sensitive person What it means to be a sensitive person Why sensitive people make great doctorsWays to handle your sensitivity Tune in to find out whether you’re a sensitive person and how to use that information to improve your life. All show no