Mosaic Mansfield Messages

Morning Devotional February 14, 2024



Beginning Lent - What, Why and How. He must increase, I must decrease.Lent is a season where we pull back from our sins and those things other than God which we turn to, so that we can more fully see and savor our Father, His Son and His Spirit. It is a time for fasting, for prayer and for charity. Each of them playing a role in our ability to believe the gospel and live it out more fully. We bring our neediness to him and ask him to fill it. We pull back from the lesser goods so that we can more fully enjoy them as the blessings of the Ultimate Good, our Lord. If you have any questions about fasting, praying or charity or the season in general please don't hesitate to reach out. I am looking forward to seeing you all this evening at our Ash Wednesday service. Aaron Grosch