Indie Game Ravers

Tanked Up 9 – Election at The Beer Emporium



As it’s Aadil’s last week with us in the flesh we wanted to give him a beery send off so we ventured out to The Beer Emporium in Bristol and had some great craftbeers. It’s a classy place and you should visit. Oh and there’s an election on this week. As such we’ve decided to talk about the videogames we’ve played including, Fifa 14, Endless Legend Guardians & Democracy 3 which leads us into our discussion topic of politics in games. All of the beers this week are on tap so we consumed more than normal. The craftbeers are Byatts Vienna Pale Ale, Magic Rock Brewing Ringmaster, Feinherb & Frisch Flensburger Dunkel & Urban Huntsman Hymir. Tanked Up 9 – […]